Mammoplasty and Prosthesis Change

What is Mammoplasty and Prosthesis Change?
Breast augmentation, is a surgical procedure that tries to improve the size and silhouette of the female bust. It is a simple surgery, where a small incision is made through which a submuscular or supramuscular implant will be introduced; improving its shape and enhancing the breast.
The prosthesis change is done when the breast implants have reached their useful life (estimated at 10 years).
It consists of removing the prosthesis and placing new prostheses. Many times the replacement involves extra work to resect the capsule (s) formed by the organism (prosthesis encapsulation) and to make new pockets in the tissues to accommodate the new prostheses.
The change of prosthesis may be necessary because:
- Change for larger size or shape
- Capsular Contracture
- Rupture in the prosthesis.
- Mejorar la armonía de su cuerpo aumentando el volumen de los senos de forma proporcional a su estatura, contextura y edad.







